Thursday, December 10, 2009

T.C. Parking

T.C. parking, let’s just say, sucks. I mean everyone who goes to school here or who lives around here knows it’s bad.

We have like 5 separate parking lots for each building and those students in that program. And the parking lots only hold like 20 cars. And not to mention, kids sneak in the parking lots all the time. I would if I was brave enough. So we need more parking lots.

In the winter is really bad. First, the snow blocks at least half the parking spaces. So now we have to park farther away and it’s like below zero. And the plows leave excess snow everywhere so little cars cannot get through. Like today, I have no idea if I had parked in a legitimate spot. And I actually think I parked in all yellow, but I couldn’t tell. O well.

I would not like to live around T.C. But I suppose once school starts to let out, it gets a lot better.

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